This little sweetie is Asa Paul, born just a week ago at home. Getting to know his mama and supporting her through her powerful birth and tender postpartum time has been a true gift. Asa’s mama was placed in an orphanage in India when she was a newborn, so her birthing experience and this time of bonding with her baby has had deep emotion and a profound impact on her personal journey. Just yesterday at one of our 3 home visits this brave mama shared that Asa’s name means “healer”. At times birth opens up wounds and at times it is a great healer. To every birth we bring not only skill and wisdom, but our love, hope and faith in the healing power of the journey.
Welcome Hailey Marie, our newest Glow baby, caught by her daddy in the birth tub Big sister offered the sweetest labor support and everyone enjoyed homemade lactation cookies in celebration!
We feel so blessed to walk with our birthing families through such a deeply impactful season in their lives, and we miss them when our postpartum care comes to a close To all the mamas, babies and partners we have served over the past 10 years, we will always hold you in our hearts! Look at this radiant new family!
Meet Isaiah Moon Earl, who decided Christmas Day would be the most special birthday! Glow Midwives were busy over the holidays catching 4 babies in 8 days! Such a wonderful ending to 2021. A heartfelt thank you to all of our beloved Glow families who shared their journeys with us!
We adore our repeat clients at Glow Midwifery! Sweet baby Zion, you are just too cute for words.
The 6 week visit is always bittersweet. Overwhelming joy for our thriving babies and parents with great sadness to say goodbye or “until next time!”. Thank you for letting the Glow team care for you during this sweet, challenging, and transformative time in your lives. We feel so fortunate to be a part of your journey, as you are also a part of ours! May you forever cherish the experience through midwifery care.
Sahalie Born 5/8/2021 with a heart of gold and the spirit of a lion. What a gift it is to witness the love and strength that goes into the day you meet your baby. This sweet little one was born into a family with so much love to give! Welcome to the world, your Glow midwives love you!
Welcome sweet Esme Opal – Born 3/16/21 Perks of home birth, your midwives come to you!
What a lovely day filled with snuggles and sunshine
My, oh, my does time fly when you’re having fun! Welcome to the world, Elwood Solaris, born on 1/27/21 Every family’s journey looks a little different and we celebrate each one with tenderness, compassion and encouragement
We are never ready to say goodbye when they graduate out of care but we know how much more fun is on the horizon
You’ll always have a place in our hearts!
Whoa baby, Glow has been busy with babies!! Sweet Xolani immediately brightened the world with her presence, born on the day of love, 2/14/21 It is such a gift to be present with our families as they step into the dance of postpartum